Master of Aviation Transport  

Professional Master study programme “Air Transport” provides the level of knowledge that complies with the requirements related to performing certain responsibilities defined by the professional standard, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and European Commission Regulation No 2042/2003. The scope and content of the study programme complies with the requirements defined by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), Civil Aviation Agency (CAA) of the Republic of Latvia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia and with the professional standard: Aircraft Maintenance Mechanical Engineer or Aircraft Maintenance Avionics Engineer. The goal of the study program is to provide the education required for the specialists of the air transport field, who would promote the renovation and maintenance of air transport field infrastructure, execution of works related to the maintenance of aircraft mechanisms and avionic systems, analysis and design of systems operation. The study programme comprises lectures on fundamental subjects, field theoretical and specialized subjects; practical classes on the operating principles, design and maintenance of aeronautical equipment. The acquired knowledge has to be applied during practical placement (outside the educational institution) for solving practical problems. Students’ practical and theoretical knowledge and research skills acquired through the study program are used when writing a Master Paper with a Design project. Outcome: Knowledge (knowledge and understanding): - can demonstrate in-depth, extended knowledge and understanding in the field of air transport. Students acquire information on the latest discoveries in aviation science. The knowledge acquired through the study programme provides the basis for creative thinking and involvement in scientific research activity. Skills (ability to use knowledge, communication, general skills): - can independently use theoretical methods and problem-solving skills to carry out scientific research in the field of air transport and perform highly skilled professional functions; - can reasonably explain and discuss complex or systematic, scientific or professional aspects of aircraft maintenance both with professionals and non-professionals; - can independently direct the development and specialization of their competencies and assume responsibility for the results and analysis of personnel's team; - can conduct the business activity, introduce innovations in the field of air transport systems, conduct a study or learn in difficult and unpredictable conditions and, if necessary, change these conditions by applying new approaches. Competence (analysis, synthesis and evaluation): - can independently formulate and critically analyse complex scientific and professional problems related to the branch of air transport; - can independently substantiate decisions and, if necessary, carry out additional analysis; - can integrate knowledge from different fields and make contribution to the creation of new knowledge; - can promote the development of scientific research methods in the field of air transport systems, demonstrate understanding of and responsibility for the possible effect of scientific results or professional activity on the environment and society.
A highly qualified specialist who has obtained the education of the academic master’s study programme “Aviation transport” with in-depth knowledge of the aviation industry will be able to work in a wide range of the labour market: both as a leading specialist of aircraft operation and maintenance companies, and as a designer in aerospace companies, aircraft and aviation systems production companies, scientific in research centres, transport logistics companies.
Master of Aviation Transport

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or HaDEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. The statements made herein do not necessarily have the consent or agreement of the ASTRAIOS Consortium. These represent the opinion and findings of the author(s).